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Breakfast Sandwich

Breakfast Sandwich

Breakfast for dinner is a favorite of many, and I’m no exception. But personal confession… I love doing breakfast food for dinner because most of it is relatively simple and quick!

I live with depression and anxiety and the added stress of the current events has not made it an easy month for me. Last Friday was a particularly difficult day and the idea of having to cook again was nearly overwhelming. Trevor came to my rescue and reminded me that I had prepped ingredients for breakfast sandwiches.

In an effort to make this easy meal even easier, I decided to use my Pampered Chef Microwave Egg Cooker.


Before last week I’d never actually used it for eggs before. Full disclosure, I purchased it on a garage sale but I never asked what it was — I bought it to bake bread bowls in! (And as a bread bowl baker it works a treat! I oven baked the loaf below in this.)


I cracked two eggs into each well, salted and peppered them, gently stabbed each yolk once with a fork (being careful not to break them), covered them with a paper towel, and microwaved for two and a half minutes. No pan or oil needed!


Toasted gluten free bagels from Little Northern Bakehouse, turkey bacon, “fried” sunny side eggs, American cheese for Trevor (above) and VioLife vegan Just Like Cheddar Slices for me (below).


Saturday morning we had Smoky Applewood “scrambled” eggs and toast for breakfast! It was ready to eat in five minutes — prep time included.


Until next time!

Love and taste,




Simple Swaps to Lower Waste | Part 1

Simple Swaps to Lower Waste | Part 1